Monthly Recap - August 2022

monthly-update-august.pngAccomplishments of YOUR in August

How YOUR is defying this bear market

This month started with a big announcement concerning the impact of the bear market to our investors and community. As our community knows, we decided to postpone the Token Generation Event (TGE). To protect the money of the investors and to maintain the trust within the community, YOUR wants to give all first believers of this project the chance to redeem their investment and still keep their whitelist ticket. Through this public round refund we want to support our community and face this bear market together. Read our refund article to learn more about our beliefs and the way the refunds will be distributed.

By making this decision we want to remind you that YOUR is not here to steal your money, but that it wants to build its vision together with the community. This refund will have a big impact on the survivability and growth speed of YOUR, but we believe in our community and doing this together. Thank you all for your patience and support during this hard time.

Protocol testing

During August, the team has been testing the protocol extensively to make sure it contains as little as possible bugs when launching Testnet. In the beginning of September, the first friends and family members got the chance to test the platform. Now it is ready to be tested by our exclusive community members during Testnet. 

New roadmap established

Nearing the finished Testnet, the newest roadmap is already being established for Beta. Functionalities such as extra content types, community badges and ratings are featured. Also the aim to welcome the first content downloaders (i.e. content users) have also been set. We are looking forward to keep developing YOUR to get a broader audience and meet the expectations of the community and investors. To find the best fit with the needs and wants of our community and customers, we keep on testing and developing at a rapid pace. Stay tuned for all our updates and please tell us what you want and need.

Following the trend

A new feature YOUR will be working on to create brand awareness among content creators, is a video series on TikTok and Instagram. As YOUR is aiming to get an as wide as possible audience including content creators, crypto investors and developers etc., it is important to also start focusing on new social media platforms besides Telegram, Twitter and Medium. This addition to the marketing part will be a big focus point in the coming months. Stay tuned on our YouTube, Instagram, TikTok for the newest developments on this. 

What’s next?

This upcoming month, the inner circle of the team is testing the protocol. Moving on after testing within the inner circle, our first exclusive community members will get access to the protocol. Meanwhile, the team is starting to build on the roadmap and new features for YOUR. 

YOUR will keep growing and pushing to maintain a strong community and build an extensive platform together with you! 

Follow YOUR on social media

Join our community on Telegram or stay updated by following our Twitter, Medium and other social pages via this link.



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