What is the ticker of YOUR AI?
The official ticker of YOUR AI is $YOURAI.
What is the token utility of $YOURAI?
YOUR AI utilizes a smart reward, supply scarity, buy back and staking mechanism to support the value of the $YOURAI token.
Read this article for a complete overview of the token utility of $YOURAI.
What are the tokenomics of $YOURAI?
Type: EVM / Solana (multichain)
Ticker: YOURAI
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 YOURAI (fixed)
Initial circulating supply: 24,450,000 YOURAI (2,45%)
Learn more about the tokenomics and the vesting of $YOURAI here.
On what exchanges can I buy $YOURAI?
YOUR AI is initially listed on CEX Gate and DEX's Uniswap and Raydium. Learn more about buying $YOURAI on these exchanges in this article.
More CEX's and DEX's will follow later this year.
What is the contact address of $YOURAI?
These are the official contract addresses of $YOURAI:
ETH: https://etherscan.io/token/0xC5bA042BF8832999b17c9036E8212f49DCE0501A
BSC: https://bscscan.com/token/0x27f16d9a5095b763baeadd7dd78e83288af29cf4
SOL: https://solscan.io/token/FjK6rqU6QzUeNtmK6QQ78cCuS5AHAhcm4HgJkdsvXaep
What is the Initial Circulating Supply (ICS) of $YOURAI?
The initial circulating supply of $YOURAI is 24,450,000 $YOURAI (2,45%)
What is the initial market cap (IMC) of $YOURAI?
The initial market cap of $YOURAI is $245,000
Which wallets & contracts are officially connected to YOUR AI?
Click here for an overview of the official wallets and contracts connected to YOUR AI.
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