Solutions of YOUR AI Protocol

As technology advances, so does the need for more efficient and secure methods of business. The current Web2 e-commerce environment is facing a number of issues that can cause businesses inefficiency and risk while damaging the environment. To combat this, YOUR AI Protocol, a new Web3 foundation, has been created to build a more sustainable and secure e-commerce environment. This article will explore the issues present in the Web2 environment YOUR, the new Web3 foundation, and how it will create a more efficient and secure e-commerce product content creation and distribution.

Web2 e-commerce: inefficiency and risk 

The current Web2 environment faces a number of issues that cause e-commerce businesses inefficiency and risk while harming the environment.

  1. No control: Brands and retailers have no control over product content, nor the possibility to change or revoke content.
  2. Outdated product information: Incorrect and out-dated product content exists all across the web, leading to misuse, infringement or violation of intellectual property rights and poor information for customers.
  3. Duplicate content: Product content is edited and copied over and over again and stored in millions of servers, - wasting energy while emitting unnecessary carbon.
  4. Time and money: Brands, e-commerce platforms & shops who all spend a significant amount of money and time to create the same duplicate content.
  5. Low quality content: Exponential growth of new products result in a lack of, incomplete, either low quality product content.

The AI-driven content layer for e-commerce

YOUR protocol builds the Web3 foundation for the future of product content for existing Web2 e-commerce environments. The protocol brings creators, curators, node operators and content users together, allowing these actors collectively to provide high-quality product content guided by the foundational beliefs that: 

  1. Control: Shared content ownership will be registered in smart contracts. This gives creators control over their creations.
  2. High-quality: Quality of product content should be ensured and therefore curated.
  3. Prevent waste: Decentralised storage systems prevent inefficient content duplicates and waste to our planet.
  4. Fair compensation: Contributors to the protocol should be compensated in proportion to how much value they create.

Because the aim is that everyone should be able to contribute to a fair protocol, prices and income must be consistent, predictable and transparent; aimed at cutting out all middlemen when possible.



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